combre brows

When choosing an eyebrow makeover treatment, you usually have two options: microblading or ombré brows. One is known for its carefully drawn, natural-looking strokes, while the latter is all about giving your arches a boost of color with a gradient effect. Pretty hard to choose, right?

If you’re stuck in between and can’t decide which method to go for, we may just have the perfect solution: combre brows. And in this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about this trendy eyebrow style to help you make a decision.

A Quick Refresher on Today’s Eyebrow Trends

Before we get into combre brows, let’s do a quick recap of the two eyebrow styles that are currently trending: microblading and ombré powder brows.

Microblading is a semi-permanent eyebrow tattooing technique that is done using a hand-held tool with very fine blades to deposit pigment into the outer layer of the skin. As mentioned, the treatment is popular due to the natural-looking hair strokes it creates.

Ombré powder brows, on the other hand, is also a semi-permanent treatment that entails the use of a PMU machine to insert pigment into the skin. Unlike microblading, this method results in a powder-filled look that gives the brows more fullness and dimension.

Now that we’ve refreshed your memory on the two eyebrow trends, let’s move on to combre brows. Here are eight things you should know about this hot eyebrow style.

#1: They’re a Combo of Two Microblading Techniques

Yes! You’ve guessed that right. Combre brows is a combination of the two trendy techniques we have just mentioned. Thus, the name combre, which is a fusion of the words “combo” and “microblading.”

This eyebrow style usually starts with a microblading treatment to create the initial hair-like strokes. After that, a shading technique is applied to fill in the brows and add more dimension. This is usually done with a machine, but there are some artists who also do it by hand.

The result is a set of full, voluminous, and completely natural-looking eyebrows.

#2: They Can Be Done in Different Ways

For microblading artists, eyebrows are their canvass and they usually have their own way of crafting the perfect pair. And when it comes to creating combre brows, there is no exception.

In general, there are two ways to do combre brows: the microblading-first method and the ombré powder brows-first method.

The microblading-first method is pretty self-explanatory. As we have mentioned, the treatment starts with microblading to fill in the sparse areas and create the initial hair-like strokes. After that, a machine is used to add shading and create a gradient effect on the brows.

The ombré powder brows-first method, on the other hand, is done by first adding the ombré powder to fill in the brows and create a soft gradient. After that, microblading is used to add more hair-like strokes and further refine the shape.

The choice of which method to go for usually depends on the artist’s preference as well as the condition of the client’s eyebrows.

#3: Yes, They Also Last a Really Long Time

Since both microblading and ombré powder brows are both semi-permanent treatments, it goes without saying that combre brows also have a long lifespan. You can expect your combre brows to last for over a year or two, as long as you take good care of them and have them touched up when necessary.

#4: The Results Are More Natural-Looking Than Ever

Despite the gradient effect that is usually achieved only with makeup or an ombré treatment, combre brows actually look very natural. This is thanks to the meticulously placed hair-like strokes through microblading that give the brows a soft and fluffy appearance.

In addition, combre brows can be customized to achieve any look that you want, from a light and natural finish to a bolder and more dramatic look.

#5: They Are Done by Using Both Handheld Microblading Tools and PMU Machine

As we’ve mentioned, combre brows is a combination of two eyebrow treatments – microblading and ombré powder brows. This means that the procedure makes use of both handheld microblading tools and a PMU machine. This may also entail a relatively longer treatment time, but it’s definitely worth it for the amazing results.

#6: The Cost Is Reasonable

As you may have expected, combre brows cost more than your usual microblading or ombré powder brows treatment. But considering the fact that it’s a combination of two treatments, the cost is actually quite reasonable.

You can expect to spend around $500 to $1000 for a combre brows treatment, depending on the artist and the location.

#7: The Treatment Is Offered by Most Microblading Studios

That’s right! While the trend is quite new, many microblading studios like BrowBeat are already offering combre brows. They have both the materials and experienced artists who can help you achieve the perfect combre brows.

#8: It’s the Perfect Solution for Those Who Have Sparse and Patchy Brows

Microblading is popular amongst those who suffer from patchy brows and thinning hair. Ombre powder brows, on the other hand, is loved by those who want to level up their brow game with a more defined and voluminous look.

With the combination of both treatments, combre brows is the perfect solution for those who have sparse and patchy brows. Aside from filling in the sparse areas of your brows with natural-looking strokes, you get an instant subtle, yet defined, gradient effect that lasts long.

Are Combre Brows for You?

combre brows

Alright, combre brows are pretty amazing and they definitely offer a lot of benefits. But is this treatment right for you?

Well, here are a few things you might want to consider before getting the treatment.

Your Own Unique Style

Despite being one of the hottest trends, some women still choose classic microblading over combre brows. This just shows that your unique style should still be a priority when choosing any beauty treatment.

For instance, if you’re someone who prefers a more natural finish or a timeless look, then combre brows might not be for you. On the other hand, if you want to try something new and you’re open to experimenting with your look, then combre brows could be a great option for you.

Your Expectations

It’s also important to have realistic expectations before getting combre brows. Remember that this is still a semi-permanent treatment and it will require some maintenance.

That being said, if you’re looking for a long-term solution for your brows, then combre brows might be a good option for you. But if you’re expecting perfect results that will last forever, then you might want to consider other options like an eyebrow tattoo.

Your Routines and Schedule

The aftercare and healing process of combre brows is pretty much the same as microblading. However, this also means that you have to be committed to taking good care of your brows during the recovery period.

If your daily routines and schedules are quite hectic and require you to stay outdoors the whole day, you might want to put off combre brows for a later time. But if you can follow the aftercare instructions and avoid activities that can irritate your brows for at least two weeks, then there’s no reason to hold yourself back!

Some Tips Before Booking Your Combre Brows Treatment

Quite convinced that combre brows is the right treatment for you? There’s no turning back now!

But before you book your combre brows treatment, here are a few tips that can help you prep for it.

Talk to Your Artist About the Shape You Want

As mentioned, artists who do combre brows have their own unique styles. This means that to achieve your desired results, you need to find an artist whose style matches yours.

When meeting with your artist for the first time, be sure to bring reference photos of the combre brow style you want. This will help the artist understand your expectations and give you an accurate quote for the treatment.

Be Prepared To Commit to the Aftercare Routine

Taking good care of your brows during the healing period is crucial to achieving the best combre brow results. So before you get the treatment, make sure that you’re prepared to commit to the aftercare routine.

This includes keeping your brows clean and dry, avoiding makeup and skincare products that can harm your healing brows, and staying out of the sun for at least a week after your procedure.

Schedule Your Touch-Up Appointment Before You Leave the Studio

Just like microblading, combre brows will require a touch-up treatment a month after the initial procedure. So before you leave the studio, be sure to schedule your touch-up appointment with your artist.

Ready To Jump on the Combre Brows Trend?

Ready to get those trendy combre brows and flaunt them on the ‘gram? Well, there’s no better time to get the treatment than now!

Just remember to keep the tips we mentioned in mind and find an artist or studio you can trust. With that, you’re all set to achieve the combre brows of your dreams!

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